TRY. check out these cool websites.i have a confession to make. i am addicted to online shopping. the main reason being that there is a never ending supply of items to shop for and new things to look at. websites are updating every second and you never know when you could snag a good deal. one problem i have is that i live in tuscaloosa, alabama. trust me there is not a lot of options here. so i thought i would take the time to share with you the couple of websites that give me inspiration and get me through my day to day "online shopping addiction" (hey. don't judge. the first step is admitting the problem. right?)
my number one go to website is, Who What Wear Daily is a fashion blog(much more advanced than mine) that was created by two girls, Katherine Power and Hillary Kerr. these girls are so inspirational with their fashion. i mean think of coming up with a new fashion blog every. single. day.

they give styling tips, myspace muses, girl of the month, what was she wearing?, lines they love, trend reports, who has inspired them and much more. and the best part you can subscribe to it. FOR FREE. yep. it comes to my email every single day for a little bit of fashion inspiration boost. so why don't you TRY. it?
another site you must check out is for all of you fashion obsessed out there (i feel your pain) this website just keeps you up to date with whats going on in the fashion world and whats coming up next on the calendar. get a peek of whatever runway show you might have missed or see some photographs from recent party in LA or Milan that we would have died to even been in the same city as.
these next two websites will fulfill your love for designer clothing. only if your lucky or fast enough to catch it though. and are two websites that offer high-end designer clothing for a discounted prices...and i mean very good discounted prices. just sign up for their free subscription and you get on the inside. they only offer certain designers for certain amounts of time, so the trick is to check back on these sites a lot to see if they have one of your favorites on sale! also right now Hautelook and WhoWhatWear have joined together

offering a giveaway to win a trip to New York Fashion Week. the trip is for two, so tell all of your friends to sign up. and if you win of course you will feel obligated to take the person who told you about it right? ;)
the next couple of websites are very familiar and loved by every girl who loves and appreciates fashion. is the place to shop for that classic american look. every girls staple pieces consist of a good pair of jeans, a simple tee and that perfect simple yet fashion forward blazer or jacket. also jcrews jewlery is amazing. check on their website often, because i am friends with the "jcrew queen" and she says they update sales twice a day, so dont miss your chance to get that top you have been wanting for a good price. oh yea and for us lucky college students...we get 10% off :) is one of the most inspirational and artistic stores that i have ever been in. i am obsessed with the lines they carry and their home decor. one day my house will look like the inside of an anthropologie store or catalog. i know it. the prices are a little high...but hey this stuff is unique! is another great website. in fact i think the website is better than the actual store. every so often they shoot me an email with their top 10 for the season or one of my favorites is the "intermix lust list"...the site is very colorful and has great photographs and ideas for every trend.
...and last but not least is always visit this website when going on an online shopping binge. they have great prices and although the clothing is not the best made, high designer stuff...i often come across things that i like. this website reminds me of a higher end forever 21. i really enjoy how they have set up the site as well comparing some items to what certain celebrities have worn and even letting you view the piece of clothing you are looking at on a video feed of a model walking down the runway. very cool and keeps you entertained.
so after hours of staring at my computer screen and checking out these websites that i have become addicited to...i hope you take a chance to subscribe to some of these and check some of these websites out. because after all, a little online shopping and fashion inspiration never hurt anyone. so just TRY.